
April PM Edition (April 30, 2008)

In this final edition of The Schubin Report with Mark Schubin, Mark considers “Transduction” and provides the answer to the last quiz. Mark continues by talking about “Acquisition at NAB 2008” before providing a new quiz – answers to producer@theschubinreport.com.  More

April AM Edition (April 17, 2008)

In this podcast Mark Schubin addresses “People who need People” before announcing that there have been no correct answers to the quiz. He continues with “Analog vs Digital vs Analog vs Digital” before providing additional clues for the ongoing quiz: “In what context is ki to 2.4% as yo is to 20.9%?”  More

March PM Edition (March 31, 2008)

In this edition of The Schubin Report Mark Schubin explores “Size Matters” before giving the answer to the last quiz. Mark then discusses “The on percent solution” and asks the new quiz question.  More

March AM Edition (March 15, 2008)

In this edition of The Schubin Report, Mark starts with minor corrections from last podcast before launching into “Perceptible, but acceptable”. Following the answer to the last quiz, he continues, seemingly contradicting the earlier piece with “The monitor is everything”. A new quiz completes the podcast.  More

February PM Edition (February 29, 2008)

In this edition, Mark Schubin discusses “Greater Expectations” before providing the answer to the last quiz. In the “Zero Tolerance, Zero Police” segment he also shares some of his observations from the HPA Retreat. A new quiz rounds out the podcast.  More

February AM Edition (February 14, 2008)

In this edition Mark Schubin addresses the correct location for “The Center Channel” and gives the answer to last podcast’s quiz. After considering “Malleable History”, he asks a new quiz question: “Who invented the scanning line for image Transmission?”  More

January PM Edition (January 31, 2008)

In this podcast, Mark Schubin discusses “The non-integer frame rate” and “The left eye doesn’t know what the right is seeing”. He provides the answer to the quiz from the last podcast and asks a new quiz: “Who invented the picture tube? “  More

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